Heard in the Halls: Key Takeaways

"Fraud used to be such a male-dominated profession, so it's nice to know there's a specialized course like the women's panel where I can hear from other women in the profession, the obstacles they overcame and to network with likeminded people in my field." — Karla Moran, CFE, Fraud Investigator

"This is one of my favorite conferences, because the networking opportunities that are available here are the best in the business and the fraud training is top notch." — Tali Ploetz, CFE, CRCM, CPA, SVP of Enterprise Risk Management, Santander Consumer USA, Dallas Chapter President

"This is my sixth or seventh conference. I come every year for the CPE, the amazing speakers and topics, great people and fascinating stories. I'll definitely be back next year." — Katie Cipkala, CFE, CISA, CPA, Leader of Program Development, Ingersoll Rand

"I'm really looking forward to attending the classes concerning foreign investigations to help further our career and our organizational goals." — Daniel Lockwood, CFE, CAMS, CFI, Detective, IRS-USSS Financial Crimes Task Force

"A lot of people struggle with work-life balance. Everybody wants it, but they don't know how to achieve it. Dr. Reese was excellent in providing simple, real-life ways of obtaining it. I particularly liked the thought process that success is measured by satisfaction and that goals are just dreams with deadlines." — Brittany Enberg, CFE, Senior Auditor, State of Wyoming

"Dr. Reese is a great motivational speaker. It would be very beneficial to have him at these conferences more times."
— Brian Wilson, CFE, Senior Auditor, State of Wyoming